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Intuitive Reiki

Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.




During an intuitive energy healing session, you will be on a massage table, fully dressed. You will be setting an intention of what you wish to receive from your session. Rachel will place her hands on your body in a non-invasive manner. Depending upon the intention,

a discussion of what is needed for your healing process and questions may be addressed. Every client's experience is slightly different so the format or healing techniques used during the session will vary. A healing session typically lasts 50 minutes. Most clients feel significantly better after a session.


Reiki is a system of channeling and cultivating Universal Life Energy for spiritual development and healing.

In essence the Ture Nature of Reiki Intuitive Energy Healing is the collective combination of several healing modalities known as 'energy-work'. Working on an energetic level opens the possibility to transform the field of consciousness in and around the body. It is a very gentle, non-invasive way to create and define a clearer understanding of desired outcomes. One of the most profound gifts of healing with the field of energy, is the invitation to become more fully aware of the complexity of our human form.


We are more energetic, or frequency based than physical. The energy around us creates the reality in which we live. This reality is then how we navigate through life, believing it to be the truth of how the world exists for us.




What if there are ways to ‘shift’ or to create a different, improved reality?


Our journey on earth is to heal the soul through all our experiences and choices. We bring with us all past experiences as well as the accumulation of events and lessons from this life-time that guide us towards the pure essence of our soul. All these experiences both past and present are encoded into our energetic system. When our present experiences begin to mirror past traumas or wounds, we use strategies in which to protect ourselves, continuing a perpetual cycle of what does not work for us. Instead of creating the possibility of a more conscious choice, we use patterns that are familiar which often closes down or blocks the energy that needs to be healed. Thus we continue to live from a fragmented state instead of wholeness. Intuitive energy healing reveals core beliefs and issues that keep us in holding patterns, thereby giving the opportunity to release energy that is no longer useful. When we release patterns in and around the body that inhibit the natural balance, it then gives us the capability to heal and harmonize. True transformation is possible when information holding the issue or disorder has shifted, enabling us to consciously create our lives with unlimited potentiality.



Chakra Balancing

Known Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing


• Define Life Purpose

• Manifest Life's Desires

• Improve Physical Health

• Weight-Loss Guidance

• Lift Depression

• Reduce Chronic Pain

• Develop Self-Appreciation

• Improve Clarity and Focus

• Reduce Stress and Anxiety

• Improve Energy Level

• Improve Emotional Well-Being

• Clear and Release Old Patterns

• Increase Self-Esteem

• Heal Conflict Issues

• Reconnect Self-Trust

• Develop Mindful Language

• Identify Limiting Beliefs and Release Blocks

• Strengthen Spiritual Connection

• Awaken Intuition

• Open Creative Expression

Intuitive Reiki Session 

Intuitive Reiki sessions can help you find balance and peace. Work with Rachel Keen to release tension and blockages in your energy field. Book your session today to experience the transformative power of Reiki.

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