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Reflexology Therapy Session


What You Can Expect During a Reflexology Session


To get to know you the therapist will start by asking questions about your health, what you eat, your lifestyle, and any conditions you have. Your answers will help them decide whether to work on your feet, hands, ears, or a combination of those. This is also the time to ask any questions you have.


 You might sit in a reclining chair or lie down on a massage table. You’ll keep your clothes on, but wear something comfortable so you can better relax. Many reflexologists will begin by gently smoothing oil or cream on your feet. Next, they’ll put mild to moderate pressure on one foot at a time using different techniques. They might return to certain pressure points a second time, but they'll cover the entire area during the session, not just the points connected to any trouble spots you might have.


Sessions are usually 30 or 60 minutes long. At some point, you might feel so relaxed that you fall asleep, or you could feel a rush of emotions as energy moves through your body. Afterward, you could feel energized or have a sense of calm.

Detox & Release

You may remove toxins from your body, the nervous system stimulated, energy increased, blood flow increased. The central nervous system, migraines, and the urinary tract may benefit from its use. Reducing sleep difficulties, relieving sadness, and relieving pain are all possible benefits of this form of massage.

Chinese Reflexology

Benefits of Chinese Reflexology 

1.  Possibly Boosts Energy

Reflexology may help the body’s metabolism and energy production processes by harmonizing different organ and muscle systems. If you may always run, a reflexology treatment may be just what you need to get your mojo back. That is a benefit of Reflexology!


2.  May Boost Blood Flow

The benefits of Reflexology may enhance circulation throughout the body, allowing for more oxygen and blood may transport to and used by all of the cells. Thus, more oxygen enters the body’s most essential organs, enhancing their performance and boosting metabolism.


3. Relaxation May Occur

There is evidence that Reflexology may help calm the body by opening neuronal connections, as previously noted. Consequently, the relaxation-inducing benefits of Reflexology may feel throughout your whole body and mind.


4. Elimination of Toxins

Studies have indicated that Reflexology may aid in urinary tract health and function. As a result, your body will be good to flush out toxins and foreign substances, protecting you against various illnesses and health disorders that may come from a damaged urinary system.


5. May Have Nervous System Stimulating Effects

Numerous advantages may accrue to our central nervous system because of the availability of open neural connections. In addition to improving the brain’s capacity to process information faster, it may also enhance our memories.


6. Decrease in the Frequency of Migraines

Many individuals turn to the benefits of Reflexology to get relief from their discomfort. Reflexology may help alleviate the pain associated with migraines and headaches as an analgesic therapy by reducing muscular tension. Since stress and psychological elements often emerge in the physical symptoms, a headache caused by stress may avoid.


Chinese Relexology Session

Ready to experience the benefits of Chinese reflexology?

Book a session today and discover how this ancient practice can help you feel your best. Rachel Keen will work with you to identify your specific needs and create customized treatment plan that's tailored to your unique health goals. Don't wait - schedule your appointment now and start better today!

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